Science and Tech

ESPORTS: Students compete for glory in campus Smash Bros. tournament
Entertainment, On Campus, Science and Tech

ESPORTS: Students compete for glory in campus Smash Bros. tournament

ESPORTS: Students compete for glory in campus Smash Bros. tournament By Juan ReyesBridge Staff WriterPublished Friday, Feb. 4, 2022 As the interest in esports continues to grow and thrive at TAMIU, as well as the rest of the nation, tournaments create a big draw. From 1 to 5 p.m. Friday Nov. 12 at the TAMIU Student Center Ballroom, students gathered to take part in a TAMIU Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament. Hosted by the TAMIU Smash Club and OIT, players from across TAMIU attended and participated in this decades-old event to see who wins the bragging rights as the best Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players at TAMIU. TAMIU’s OIT partnered with the TAMIU Smash Club to host a TAMIU-only Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament as a special way to finish off OIT’s Learning Week and a cel...
TAMIU esports takes competitive gaming to next level
Entertainment, Features, News, On Campus, Science and Tech, Sports

TAMIU esports takes competitive gaming to next level

TAMIU esports takes competitive gaming to next level  By Dulce CastellanosBridge contributing writerOriginally published in the print edition on Friday, Nov. 19, 2021 Several of the esports teams on campus are taking it to the next level—not Level 2, but the national level. Call of Duty Esports team member Ivan Larumbe said, “It is a big deal.” Leonard Gonzalez | BridgeAn unidentified esports player live streams on Nov. 2 at the Dusty’s Den Game Room near the Student Center. The National Association of Collegiate Esports, the largest membership association of varsity esports programs at colleges and universities across the U.S., added Texas A&M International University organizations to its ranks. Competing at a varsity level in competitive gaming comes with perks, be...
TAMIU Planetarium set to reopen June 1
Education, On Campus, Science and Tech

TAMIU Planetarium set to reopen June 1

TAMIU Planetarium set to reopen June 1 By Cesar A. OldhamBridge contributing writerPublished Saturday, April 3, 2021 The Lamar Bruni Vergara Planetarium at TAMIU plans to reopen to the public on June 1 since its March 13, 2020, shutdown for the pandemic. The planetarium officials’ goals are to ignite an interest in children’s lives by teaching them the wonders of life on Earth, the universe and the passage of scientific discovery over time. Its chief official is Director Peter Davis. “I miss having the public and children coming to the planetarium and showing them exciting things about the universe,” Davis said. “The planetarium is ready to open on June 1, if allowed to.” In order to reopen, the Texas A&M International University Planetarium will implement a social dist...
Being No. 1 not so good this time
Health, News, Science and Tech

Being No. 1 not so good this time

Being No. 1 not so good this time By Erick BarrientosBridge Staff InternPublished Thursday, March 25, 2021 While no longer in quite as crucial of a state, the City of Laredo ranked No. 1, in relation to its population, back in late January for U.S. cities affected by the novel coronavirus. Registered nurse Juan Gallegos said it surprised him by the amount of rising cases in the city. Also unfazed by this news, he acknowledges Laredo’s status as a major land port and the lack of education people received about COVID-19. courtesy Alissa Eckert | CDCThe novel cornavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which causes the disease COVID-19. “We have commerce coming in and going out, even with the bridges closed down,” Gallegos said. “There are people crossing every single day [between the two countr...
University reorganizes science labs for student safety
Academia, Health, Science and Tech

University reorganizes science labs for student safety

University reorganizes science labs for student safety By Gabriela ChapaBridge Staff InternPublished Monday, Oct. 12, 2020 In an attempt to further prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, the University reorganized many of its science labs for Fall 2020. The new Texas A&M International University Flex courses and other virtual classroom options, such as the changes to science labs, make up part of a new University plan unveiled in August. “This TAMIU Back Together Plan is the product of five committees formed by President Arenaz that included faculty, staff, students and administrators,” according to the TAMIU student FAQs on the coronavirus webpage. “Their recommendations, along with guidance from The Texas A&M University System, guides our safe return to campus thi...
CARES Act provides campus loaner laptops
Academia, Education, Finance, Health, News, On Campus, Science and Tech

CARES Act provides campus loaner laptops

CARES Act provides campus loaner laptops By Gabriela ChapaBridge Staff InternPublished Monday, Sept. 14, 2020 Purchasing 500 laptops for its new Student Loaner Laptop Program, TAMIU helps students continue course attendance during the fall semester. As the times continue to change due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the return to face-to-face classes, Texas A&M International University released a new program where students can check out a laptop for the semester. The Student Loaner Laptop Program was created through the TAMIU CARES Program with the goal of helping students who struggle with technology and want to continue their classes. TAMIU purchased these devices that are being distributed to students. Students enrolled in both Fall and Spring semesters will be able to kee...
Academia, Features, Humans of TAMIU, Science and Tech

Creating rainbows from Laredo to Philadelphia

Creating rainbows from Laredo to Philadelphia By Alejandra PeÑaBridge contributing writer Published March 30, 2020 With a couple of solutions, the formation of a rainbow was expected to lead the TAMIU Chemistry Club to victory in its visit to the American Chemical Society National Meeting. This Philadelphia conference ended up being cancelled due to the SARS-CoV-2 cornoavirus pandemic, which causes the disease known as COVID-19. “As the Chemistry Club, our mission is to make the students aware that chemistry isn’t as hard or scary as they think,” Chemistry Club Vice President Kathia Gloria said. The conference was scheduled from March 22 to 26. It would have been the third consecutive year for the University’s organization. They expected to bring back an award. “The Ch...
Science and Tech

Social media saves

While the force of Hurricane Harvey was quite visible, an almost unseen digital force helped behind the scenes with rescue and recovery efforts. Heavy rainfall from the remains of Harvey flooded several counties in East Texas, displacing approximately 30,000 Texans, according to a statement from FEMA, and thousands waited to be rescued in late August. (more…)
Editorial, Science and Tech

Smartphones: the weapons that damage our generation

By Alejandra Hernandez   During the last three years, smartphones have become one of the most important tools in our daily lives. Most people spend endless hours on their mobile devices, computers, laptops, and tablets. Current generations find it hard to believe that there used to be a time where none of these electronic devices hardly ever existed. (more…)
Science and Tech

Consuming People Everyday

By Jacqueline Charles Social media is immensely addictive to every person that comes in contact with it. Many people that have social sites are frequently logging in every few minutes, but they are not aware of how much time they are spending on the social sites, and that is alarming. Incredibly, people that log in very regularly don’t see that there is a problem. (more…)
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