Author: Jose Alvarado

Law and Justice

When TV Watches Back

Earlier this year, Vizio was found guilty of collecting data on approximately 11 million consumer TVs without the user’s knowledge or consent, according to the Federal Trade Commission. (more…)

Sí Texas – Juntos for Better Health Program: Reconnecting the community and their health

As we grow older, it is often easy to come and neglect our health. Time constraints, conflicting work schedules, and lack of transportation are typically several reasons we like to tell ourselves when it comes to dealing with our health and seeking help. As part of the TAMIU School of Nursing, the Si Texas- Juntos for Better Health Program aims to fix all these problems. For the past two semester, the program has been slowly evolving into what is now. Since October of last year, nursing students were already providing education to patients regarding their health. (more…)
The Biggest Issue Nobody is Talking About
Photo Essay

The Biggest Issue Nobody is Talking About

As a TAMIU student under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, I was still just like any other student, up until a certain point. I have always been enrolled full time, and have been able to balance two part-time jobs since high school. Like many other students, I was fortunate enough to have been accepted into the DACA program right after high school. Ever since then, with the ability to work, and the opportunity to continue studying, it seemed like I had made it. I never had any problems regarding my renewal for the DACA program, and with only a semester to go before graduating, everything seemed to go according to plan. In the blink of an eye, however, everything turned upside down. (more…)

TAMIU Expands Communication Course Offerings for Students

At the beginning of this new school year at TAMIU, there are several great things to look forward to.  From the myriad of new faces of potential friends all over campus, to reunions with college friends, the beginning of a semester is sure to bring something new for everyone.  This semester is especially exciting for returning Communications majors.  Starting this semester, TAMIU offers two new classes that are sure to prepare any student who desires to work in the ever-expanding world of multimedia. (more…)
International Studies

New Study Abroad Program Coming to TAMIU

As we continue to highlight, Study Abroad programs available at the university are a great way to have new experiences. It is a great way to make new friends, see new places, and learn many different things. This upcoming semester, a new 3 week study abroad course will be offered for Wintermester. It will be open to all TAMIU students giving them the opportunity to get exposed to another culture. (more…)
Academia, On Campus

Warp-PLS and the Gold Mine Every Company Does Not Know They Have

The rise of technological devices has forever changed the way we do things in our everyday lives. Just as it played a big impact on everything we do, technology also changed how we see many things. For instance, everything we do with our devices nowadays generates data. Even though we might not be aware of it, we all generate significant amounts of data, and in the right hands, this data can prove to be a gold mine waiting to be discovered. Much like this, businesses generate a vast amount of data that, without any interpretation, can go unnoticed. Data analysis will prove to be crucial in the foreseeable future as more companies start realizing that within them is the answer to all their problems. Dr. Ned Kock, Chair of the Division of International Business and Technology Studies here...
On Campus

Aramark’s Runaway Success

By Jose De Jesus Alvarado TAMIU students have a variety of foods to choose from when it comes to lunch hour. Anything from different types of salads all the way to a variety of grilled burgers, nobody is left out when it comes to the foods they like to eat. The greatest addition to the vast amounts of choices students had has been from the second major franchise to join Aramark, the all time favorite, Chick-Fil-A Express. (more…)
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