Cisneros, Cuellar compete for Congress

Incumbent remains in office

By Cecelia A. Jimenez
Bridge Staff Writer
and Joel De La Rosa
Bridge Staff Writer
and David Gomez Jr.
Published March 30, 2020

Incumbent Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, is reelected in a close race against newcomer, Jessica Cisneros, for the 28th Congressional District seat.

The late congressional run for the 28th District of Texas was a nail-biter as Congressman Henry Cuellar faced off against first-time political candidate Jessica Cisneros. Both advertised on TV, radio and newspapers: Cueller that he can do the job just fine or Cisneros that she could do a better job as a new face for the people of Laredo, Webb County and nearby counties.

The two candidates did not hold back any punches.

Supportive and smear campaigns reigned daily on all media platforms. These campaigns’ effectiveness might be considered in that they boosted the candidates’ numbers more than 35,000; resulting in a decision separated by less than 2,900 votes.

Cuellar holds a following of supporters since 2005 when he first took office; meanwhile, Jessica Cisneros gained supporters quickly after stating she would run for Congress.

Cisneros said she saw the struggle in her district and wanted to see noticeable change.

“They [my parents] would sometimes work two or three jobs just to make ends meet,” Cisneros said. “[I remember] a lot of those experiences—being around my neighbors, who were suffering through the same thing.”

Cuellar stated he began as and remains that change, for years.

“If you look at [TAMIU] that you are going to school to, as a state representative, myself and the senator, we helped establish and got the construction money, for the University that we have there,” Cuellar said.

“We built this and it was the fastest built university in the state of Texas … the construction of most of the buildings, except for the recent ones that came in, was under my work as a state legislator.”

Courtesy | Congressional Photo

The congressman also voiced concern before President Donald Trump and, has since, not been invited back to the White House.

“I’ve been the only member of Congress [who] has ever been in the White House, sat across [from] President Trump and told him the wall doesn’t work,” Cuellar said. “I have spoken on the house floor, [and the] White House, and I haven’t been invited since I spoke against the wall there, but the wall is something I call, ‘a 14th century solution.’”

Though, he is not fond of open borders either.

“Now, I do not believe in open borders like some people do. We need to have law and order, full immigration reform and sensible border security,” he said.

Not only does the congressman want sensible security on the borders, but has a stance on gun control. He wants it, not only for people in his district, but considering late gun violence.

“The Second Amendment is part of the Constitution,” Cuellar said. “You cannot pick and choose the amendments you want to pick … I believe in responsible gun rights. If you look at hunting in my district … there are a lot of ranchers in Webb County who make lots of money off hunting.

“Responsible gun ownership is important. What you also have to look at is that there are some things we can do. For example: background checks, I voted for that and we passed it over to the Senate and we are waiting for the Senate.”


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