Day: December 19, 2016


Cookies and Non-existent Milk

By Eloy Santa Cruz Majority of individuals are able to enjoy an immense variety of foods and cuisines from around the globe to whatever mother is making at home, but that is not applicable for everybody. Many individuals suffer from allergic reactions to a number of food items, from nuts to cinnamon, and even dairy. As someone who suffers from lactose intolerance, it can be rather strenuous to be constantly vigilant over every food item ingested throughout the day. (more…)

Screen Time Affecting Our Youth’s Sleep Time

By Fernando Meza  Ever since mobile phone have been getting smarter, cheaper, larger and more prevalent as a necessity to most nowadays, there have been concerns that the bright light that the device emits disrupts our body’s natural circadian rhythms. (more…)
International Affairs

Will Foreign Aid Ever End Poverty?

By Brianna Cruz It is the season in which America is choosing their best candidate to represent them as a nation. Both candidates have expressed their view on poverty and the foreign policy the United States follows. Both candidates are focused on eliminating poverty and have almost the exact same outcome. The goals of the foreign policy are to “build and sustain a more democratic, secure, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community.” It also focuses on exports and nuclear technology and interaction with foreign nations. This subject has been a topic of debate not only here in the U.S., but worldwide. This policy is one of the most important tools that the rich countries use to help poor countries. It is used to improve the population from...
Business, On Campus

Food Delivery Servicing TAMIU and Community

It is an exciting year for Foods4U, Laredo’s very own food and grocery delivery service.  Entrepreneurs Lydia V. Johnson, Communication major at Texas A&M International University, and Erick Contreras, TAMIU graduate and military veteran are excited to announce that they will offer their food delivery service, Foods4U, to the TAMIU community. (more…)
Student Invites Community to Thanksgiving
Humans of TAMIU

Student Invites Community to Thanksgiving

For most Americans, Thanksgiving is a day in which families come together, break bread, and enjoy each other’s company. Yet some are not fortunate to share this day with their loved ones for various reasons. For college students, time, distance, and money are often factors that can keep them from joining their families for the holiday. Santiago Rubio, a junior majoring in history, noticed this and took matters into his own hands. (more…)
A Misleading Company Called Convergys

A Misleading Company Called Convergys

By Toby Schwerin Educational opportunities are what play an important factor in the lives of young adults. However, working and maintaining a college career is extremely difficult and most times impossible. Employees who are also students must find a job that works with their school schedule and not interfere with their studies. This can be difficult considering the pay and hours needed to make a living and pay for school.   Companies that offer full and part time students a job with flexible hours are in high demand and are almost guaranteed to be a successful company. However, it is rare to find these jobs and when they do come around it is hard to find positions available. Convergys is a customer service telephone company that helps customers fix their technological issues a...
Editorial, Politics


Crazy things have happened this year. The people of United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The American people voted for Donald Trump to be president of the United States. Turkey is planning to change sides. Russia’s sphere of influence grows, and here we are in America, the world’s most powerful country, crying and having our feelings hurt. There is nothing wrong with feeling the pain. I feel it too, but we cannot let it control. There is going to be a time when we must stand our ground and fight. (more…)
Killing for Free Tuition
Editorial, Military

Killing for Free Tuition

My undergrad experience at Texas A&M International University was almost two full calendar years. I began school full time in January 2015 during Wintermester. As I think about it today, it doesn’t feel like such a distant memory. From then on, I pushed on through the spring semester, summer sessions, and fall. Then I repeated the process in 2016, and now I’m here. I was able to do this because I had free tuition.   Initially, some people wonder how I did it. They thought that I had rich parents that paid every session and semester, which is likely. They thought I got massive amounts of scholarships because of how well I’ve performed in my classes which is also likely, but I didn’t do any of that. (more…)
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