Chasing the education path

Chasing the education path

By Ana Ortiz
Bridge contributing writer

Published Wednesday, March 2, 2022
(Originally published in the February print edition, 2022)

When choosing one’s College of Education path, sometimes the choices are not always so easy or clear. Students sometimes find they went down the wrong path to get where they are going–or have they?

Texas A&M International University senior education major Maricarmen Ayala said she took a wrong turn and thought about getting out of the program but believes that ship set sail.

Bridge photo illustration - student struggles with the education path
David Peralta | Bridge Photo Illustration
Students struggle to follow the education path and are undecided which one to take in the College of Education.

“I wished I [would] have taken the alternative route,” Ayala said. “Don’t get me wrong, the professors are amazing, but advising-wise, they really aren’t as much help.”

She expects to graduate in a semester or two.

As some of her classmates took the alternative route, Ayala also noticed the pros of being in the College of Education and sometimes she has a peace of mind that she might have done the right thing by staying in the program.

“The blocks are amazing as well, the field work is super helpful and you do get to learn a lot from the teachers you shadow,” Ayala said. “You get to see how a real classroom works from a teacher’s point of view.” 

Mathematics major and Spanish minor Diana Chaidez chose the alternative route and says she has not had a problem at all.

“All I knew was that I wanted to have a career dealing with math,” Chaidez said. “Until now that I am a junior, I made up my mind and decided to pursue a teaching career, and even though I didn’t take the education program I know I am [on] the right path.

“I would have liked to get the experience in the classroom, but I also have heard that it is very hectic. I don’t feel behind and I have no problem with taking the alternative route because I can actually teach math or Spanish.”

Chaidez believes there is no wrong or right way, as long as she gets educated and ends up in her career field.


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