Day: July 29, 2016


Why Good Representation Matters

Just over a month ago, the fourth season of Orange Is The New Black premiered on Netflix. Binge watchers all over the world rejoiced and immediately tuned in to follow the adventures of the women of Litchfield. Critics and viewers have praised the show for its groundbreaking representation of minority communities. Though the show’s protagonist is a self-described “WASP” (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), the supporting cast is composed of women from various backgrounds.  Of these, the Latina inmates (known to the others as “Spanish Harlem”) are among the ones most frequently cited as examples of progress in representation. (more…)

Murrow, Cronkite, public health

In the middle of the 20th century, TV had become a new invention that had been well received and highly demanded by the American people. With television came new mediums for established expressions. Novels became serial dramas, films could been seen outside a movie theater and inside a living room, and the news was able to be presented directly to its audience with eye contact. Two figures in modern news history took advantage of television and its ability intimately convey a direct message to their American audiences watching in their living rooms. These figure were news anchors Edward Murrow and Walter Cronkite. They expressed a message for the protection of public health. However, the dilemma were not the typical dangers seen in most public health issues. Each newsman, in their respect...

Makeup, social media, me

Last summer, a video titled “YOU LOOK DISGUSTING” went viral across social media. The video was directed by beauty blogger Em Ford, better known as MyPaleSkin on YouTube. Many of Ford’s tutorials specialize in working with acne-prone skin, and she is very open about her own struggle with adult acne. In the spring of 2015, she began uploading pictures of herself on social media without makeup. The video that followed details some of the comments she received. As she appears on screen barefaced, the comments follow. Words like “gross”, “ugly”,  and “horrible” fill the screen, eventually leading to the titular comment “You look disgusting.” (more…)

5 Applications That Will Give You More For Your Buck

As university students it is known that we are usually under a tight budget. Any form of deals, sales, or a new cheap and experimental snack is always greatly appreciated and occasionally sought.  Sometimes it seems impossible to save money and hunger pangs while friendly invitations get neglected and postponed, one is left with a somber and empty feeling, literally. What is there to do now but pull out your smart phone and scroll through your Facebook feed and just witness others post of their new purchases and their yummy meals.  The situation seems practically helpless, doesn’t it? What if I told you that using that same very device you use to check your Facebook you can use to save money on merchandise and food too? (more…)
City Council discusses taxes, school buses, groceries
Civil Affairs

City Council discusses taxes, school buses, groceries

The last city council meeting of last month was without a doubt very crucial for the city's development especially in the northern part of town and downtown area. The two main issues that were discussed in city hall was the implementation of the tax increment investment zone (TIRZ) and the future of a soon to be empty building, once notorious of being home of the biggest grocery retailer of the state, H-E-B. (more…)
Summer in Spain: Cristina Maldonado
International Studies

Summer in Spain: Cristina Maldonado

Though the spring semester has come and gone, study abroad programs are still in full swing this summer. Students have continued to travel across the globe while earning academic credit. One of these students is Cristina Maldonado, a senior majoring in English, who recently returned from studying in Malaga, Spain. (more…)
CDC To Open New Office in Laredo
Civil Affairs

CDC To Open New Office in Laredo

Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) alongside Mayor Pete Saenz and the City of Laredo recently announced the building of a new office for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Laredo. Three CDC-contracted public health professionals are also to be attached to the project.   Cuellar requested support for the building of this office. He also requested that Caduceus Healthcare hire contracted public health professionals to work alongside the City of Laredo Health Department. They will work alongside other health agencies along the South Texas border. The purpose of this office is to focus on combating the Zika virus. (more…)
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