‘No More’ – A Call To End Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Sexual Assault Awareness Week will take place from March 3rd through March 10th. Here is a schedule of events open to the public.


NO MORE is a groundbreaking symbol (like the pink breast cancer ribbon and the red AIDS ribbon) designed to change and radically increase the awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community.


Domestic violence and sexual assault are not easy to talk about, yet they impact millions of men, women and children every year. Because of the stigma and shame, these issues often remain hidden in our society.


NO MORE seeks to bring domestic violence and sexual assault into the spotlight to generate more attention, more resources and more action to prevent them.


What is NO MORE Week? It’s NO MORE’s birthday! NO MORE Week is a national effort to engage every individual, organization, or corporation to say NO MORE and to make domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention a priority.


This year, NO MORE Week is March 5th-11th. Locally, there will be a series of events each day of the week free of charge (unless noted) for everyone in the community.


Don’t miss out being part of the annual movement. For more information follow @NoMoreLaredo on Facebook. #LaredoSaysNoMore #DustdevilsSayNoMore

Images and article courtesy of Marilyn Bautista, Master’s in Public Administration student.


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