TAMIU visits Texas A&M Law School

By Francisco Garza, Student Contributor

The drive to and from Fort Worth, Texas gave me enough time to decide where I wanted to go to for law school. Once the Pre-Law Chapter got to the hotel, settled in, unpacked, and washed up for dinner. Once we all met at the lobby, we took a unique bus downtown to Ricky’s Barbeque. It had the most delicious barbeque ribs and brisket I’ve ever tasted. This restaurant was recommended to us by the Texas A&M Law School staff. These people were tremendously smart and enthusiastic. They not only talked to about the beautiful city, but they encouraged us to attend their law school. Over dinner, one professor informed us about the majority of things that go on in his business law class and benefits of attending their Texas A&M Law School.

The next day, which was a Monday, at 8am the TAMIU pre law group met with the staff of the law school and together we walked down two blocks to get to the law school. The short distance really impressed me. The building is two stories tall and it reminds me a lot of a fancy hotel stocked with several neatly spacious classrooms. In addition, the school library made you feel automatically intelligent and like you could solve any problem because of all the books that were there to help you. The most exciting part was that the students there get along with each other just like we get along. One pretty girl came to talk to us and provided us with answers to our questions.

Finally, after visiting live class rooms and buying things at the book store, we headed back home. The TAMIU Pre-Law Chapter and Texas A&M built a strong connection. They visited the Cayman Island in the summer for conference meetings and they like cabrito. Now they are coming to our school and offering a law class about immigration. Their professors and some of their students are coming down to TAMIU to teach and attend the class. If there are any questions about law, law school, or any legal opportunities contact the TAMIU Pre-Law Advisor Dr. Palmer. Her office is located in the Western Hemispheric Trade Center room 216. I want to formally thank the Texas A&M Law School for providing us with the trip and encouraging us to give our best at standing out as leaders and attending Texas A&M Law School in Fort Worth, TX.


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