Day: March 25, 2016


Exalumno busca futuro de guionista

Por Melissa Santillana Una vez más, Laredo demuestra ser cuna de grandes talentos, y nuestra universidad la clave detrás de los ciudadanos mejor preparados. El graduado en 2013 de TAMIU, Philip Balli, ha sido aceptado al programa de Maestría en Guiones Cinematográficos y Medios Electrónicos de la Universidad de Texas en Austin para este próximo ciclo escolar 2016-2017. (more…)

En defensa del idioma

Por Melissa Santillana A principios de este año me topé con una columna en El País, un periódico español, que escribió un hombre bastante molesto por que un partido político había mezclado dos idiomas en una oración. (¡Sacrilegio!). (more…)

Hablamos de feminismo

Por Crystal Vasquez El feminismo es visto en el siglo XXI como algo innecesario y un movimiento que debió acabarse porque después de todo los hombres y las mujeres tienen los mismos derechos, y el feminismo es solo la búsqueda de la mujer por ocupar el lugar del hombre. Bien esto es mentira ya el feminismo busca la igualdad de género, y ponerle fin al sexismo a la homofobia y la opresión que hoy en día aun existe. (more…)
Jesucristo Superestrella en Laredo Little Theater

Jesucristo Superestrella en Laredo Little Theater

Por Melissa Santillana La temporada del musical Jesucristo Superestrella ha finalizado, pero no sin haber dejado huella tanto en espectadores como en el elenco. La puesta en escena de éste musical opera rock de los 70s marcó experiencias inolvidables en al menos un docente y un tutor de Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) que audicionaron y fueron seleccionados como parte del elenco principal. La obra se presentó en el Laredo Little Theater durante dos fines de semana de marzo, justo antes de la Pascua. (more…)
Guest Article

The Pope of Mercy

By Dr. Daniel De La Miyar, Adjunct Professor of Communication and Faculty Advisor for The Bridge 2016 marks the Holy Year of Mercy within the Catholic Church as designated by Pope Francis with the motto “Merciful like the Father”. During this Holy Year of Mercy, Mexico celebrated His Holiness Pope Francis’ first visit to Aztec land as the first Latin American Pope during a six-day pastoral tour that included the newly renamed Mexico City, and the states of Mexico, Michoacan, Chiapas and Chihuahua. (more…)
Lanterns of Love Festival 5K Run/Walk
On Campus

Lanterns of Love Festival 5K Run/Walk

By Iris Vasquez Guerrero Tickets are on sale now for individuals and groups, for the Lanterns of Love Festival 5K Run/Walk. The event will be held in the TAMIU Student Center on April 9, 2016 from 7am to 2pm. Tickets are being sold for $10 pre-registration, and $15 onsite. (more…)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: A Three Part Feature on the 15 Years of the Global War On Terror | Part 1: Afghanistan

By I.M. Kero For those who didn’t get the title’s pun, it is the use of the phonetic alphabet for WTF. That is the current situation in Middle East and throughout the entire Global War on Terror. The GWOT is its actual name since 2001; sometimes I have to remind myself. Remembering so is the first step to understanding why so many countries are involved. Right now, the key states of main conflict are Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Within fifteen years, so much has happened, and eventually future TAMIU students will likely be spending a semester studying the topic, but I’ll be here to explain it the best I can for you understand. (more…)

Family “Game” Night

By Judith Menchaca Here in South Texas, we are known for our family traditions most of which are deep rooted in our history as cowboy culture. And it goes without saying that Webb County’s topography not only further nourishes our ranching traditions but it fosters a heaven for hunters of all kinds. Whether you choose the traditional white-tailed deer or mule deer, wild pigs/javalinas, bob cats, badgers, wild turkey, doves, etc., Laredo and all its’ surrounding beauty is more than enticing for the enamored. I personally can be placed among them. (more…)
Life & Arts

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

By Dominique Flores How accustomed have Americans become to basing merit on appearance? Skin color and social class are obvious prejudices that men and woman of all ages alike have experienced. More so, fundamental business classes, such as those offered at Texas A&M’s Mays Business School, teach their students the formality of business dress and business casual, emphasizing that appearance will determine whether or not a person of status will determine your worthiness of time, and, essentially, money. It appears people are stereotyping others over their external style of choice. Eloy Santa Cruz, a Psychology major at TAMIU, is nonchalantly rising above the stereotypes outsiders categorize him in. (more…)
On Campus

The Vagina Monologues: A Man’s View

For the second time, I saw The Vagina Monologues. It still was as informative and entertaining as the first. There was a larger turnout this time around. Most of those in attendance were women, but there were a handful of men. Some men were obligated by their girlfriends while some came to see what it was all about. Last year, I was the latter. This year, I felt an article deserved to be written. (more…)
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