Tag: health


ASMR Phenomena for Improved Study and Sleep

As a full time student at Texas A&M International University, I always find myself awake studying late hours preparing myself for a test or writing a twelve page paper the night before it’s due. Evidently, my sleep schedule gets extremely unbalanced because of this. I have never been a huge fan of taking medicine to help me sleep and have struggled with sleep almost all my life. It seems that by mere accident I found a solution many years ago on a date I can’t even remember. (more…)
Lucky Thirteen: A Story of Surviving And Thriving
Humans of TAMIU

Lucky Thirteen: A Story of Surviving And Thriving

At twenty-one years old, Kenneth “Kenny” Duncan Jr. leads a rather ordinary life. A self-described cowboy, his wardrobe largely consists of boots and jeans. His playlist includes classics from George Strait and Kenny Chesney, which he blasts while driving on the streets of Laredo. When he’s not on campus working or studying, he can be found fishing at the lake or sharing poems at Gallery 201. This life, filled with simple pleasures and few worries, is something Duncan cherishes now more than ever.  Because just over a year ago, his life was forever changed by three words: “You have cancer.” (more…)
On Campus

Officials Speak on Zika Virus at TAMIU

Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) hosted a meeting at TAMIU to discuss the treat of the Zika virus in Texas, and how it affects Laredo as a border city. Officials of the meeting discussed the actions that were being taken by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Aside from the efforts of the federal government, they discussed the efforts taken by state, local, and international agencies. Their discussions explored how all of these levels of governments could cooperate for the health of their citizens. Alongside the congressman were high-ranking officials from the CDC, as well as other government officials from the Department of Homeland Security, the State of Texas and the Texas Department of State Health Services, the City of Laredo Health Department, Webb County, and rep...
International Studies

Global Medical Brigades Serve in Nicaragua

This past Spring Break, most college students could be found on the beaches of South Padre Island or the streets of downtown Austin. Throughout the week, social media sites filled up with photos and videos of their escapades as they embraced their week free from responsibilities. However, one group of students made quite the exception. From March 4th to March 12th, nineteen TAMIU students dedicated their break to providing simple yet potentially life-saving healthcare and sanitation services to families in Nicaragua. These students are members of Global Medical Brigades, an international student organization whose vision is “to improve quality of life, by igniting the largest student-led social responsibility movement on the planet.” Global Medical Brigades allows students from all area...
The Bridge News
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