
Red State with a Blue Border

Red State with a Blue Border

By Danny Zaragoza Texas has a reputation of being a red state because it traditionally votes Republican in most elections. However, the state’s southern border with Mexico has a blue hue to it. (more…)
Editorial, Politics


Crazy things have happened this year. The people of United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The American people voted for Donald Trump to be president of the United States. Turkey is planning to change sides. Russia’s sphere of influence grows, and here we are in America, the world’s most powerful country, crying and having our feelings hurt. There is nothing wrong with feeling the pain. I feel it too, but we cannot let it control. There is going to be a time when we must stand our ground and fight. (more…)

Trump Wins

After a long, dirty, and stressful election, Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump has been elected to be the 45th president of the United States. (more…)

Is America Ready for a Female President?

By Brianna Eliza Castillo As election polls come to an opening, our unanswered questions come to light.  Who will be the next United States commander in chief?  Does their stance on certain issues mesh or clash with mine?  Will their gender affect the direction of our country?  No matter where you sit on the social ladder, you must be aware that the possibility of having a woman sit in the position of commander in chief is very significant.  Historically speaking, this is not any bigger than having an African-American as our president, but it is a significant test of the gender biases in our country. (more…)
Editorial, Politics

Colombian and FARC Peace Talks in La Havana

By Carmen Garcia In an attempt to end the half-century interior conflict, an agreement has been signed between the Colombian government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) delegations this August. The announcement came early this year, as the peace commission was installed in La Havana. The commission, made up of three representatives from each faction and counseled by non-governmental experts from different fields, is to implement the now-signed peace compromise between the government and the insurgent group. (more…)

Trump’s softer side in Mexico

In a surprise turn of events, Donald J. Trump packed his bags, put them in his private jet and flew south. However, in this trip he did not stop to a border city just like he did last year when he visited our Laredo. He went even further south, directly to Mexico City. (more…)
Opinion, Politics

Prime Minister Clinton?

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton rode her post-convention bump with glee.  The polls have her with a comfortable lead against Republican challenger Donald Trump.  However, both candidates have a poor favorability rating.  In terms of public approval ratings, President Barack Obama leads them significantly, but the president communicated a message that could explain this year’s election: Do not vote for the candidate.  Vote for the party. “We all need to get out and vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and then hold them accountable until they get the job done,” Obama said in his speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. (more…)
George Altgelt’s Ballot Dilemma

George Altgelt’s Ballot Dilemma

By Robert Soto Elections are right around the corner, not only nationally, but also locally.  On August 24, the City of Laredo held a meeting with a name-placement drawing that determined the order of the names of the candidates in the ballots.  That day, the City of Laredo also announced that several candidates had been disqualified from the city council election.  The meeting was interrupted by a demonstration of dissatisfaction from several candidates who had been disqualified.  Current Councilman from District Seven, George Altgelt, was the most vocal in voicing his disappointment concerning the decision.  The Councilman took office in mid-2015 through a special election, making this his first, full-term race.  However, his campaign was cut short when he was notified that his applic...
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